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To be honest I'm starting to get a little bored now and I'm barely 1/3 of the way through! Doing fine so far but now I'm kind of staring at my pieces of paper - what to do what to do. This one is an experiment and I realize that I must start to push myself - failure will happen and even for me I need to start feeling more and more "uncomfortable" again to see what happens. It's inevitable, or boredom sets in - which is death. So change has to be the norm, just like in life.
I wanted to reference a floral arrangement more - probably in a nod to Mother's Day today (which was a very happy and good day for our family!). I was also inspired by this Wreath book, writing a post here.
The bright blobs of red paint were NOT intentional and definitely an accident when this entire enormous blob spit right out of the tube after (of course!) several attempts to gently coaxing a few drops from the bottle, an air bubble just spat this entire thing out! I couldn't decide what to do, whether to leave it or work with it or scrap it off. I decided to work with it - and I like the texture (I'm missing the heavy, creamy texture of oils - haven't worked with oils in years for obvious toxic and clean-up reasons but that's what I miss the most). It was fine - way too much paint to begin with but yet another example of working within the accident that you're not crazy about!