Week 2 has finished & feeling great! Next 5 days are posted here—still working with circles, metallic gold & copper paint (interesting to me), pattern and organic elements.
Day 7 - 100 Day Project 2019 © Kathryn Neale Studio. All Rights Reserved.
It’s so interesting to me and now familiar, that it seems like once I start one of these projects, I “experiment” but I also THINK I’m experimenting and somehow unconsciously revisit some of my motifs, combinations/solutions of previous works etc. It actually feels like I have to “get all of that out” of my system before something brand new for me shows up. And that usually happens around Day 50 it seems.
I expect that same kind of cycle to happen this year but that’s only because I anticipate it after doing this project for 3 full years already. It’s a really poignant reminder that time/progress/life/experience etc. is not linear. It is cyclical.
Day 8 - 100 Day Project 2019 © Kathryn Neale Studio. All Rights Reserved.
Artists talk a lot I feel like about being “in the flow” which reminds me of how an athlete might refer to being “in the zone.” And again, it’s a great reminder that the flow comes and goes and to trust that process and what a perfect metaphor for life. Life is not linear. Life is cyclical. And oftentimes lately, I feel like it’s multiple circles going all at the same time.
I posted this on my instagram page for Day 8 because Day 8 & 9 (personally for me) did not feel like I was as “in the flow” as other days.
There’s always a certain “flow” that seems to occur when I first get going in these projects and then I try something new and I feel I overwork a piece. This one def is in that direction for me, some decisions were more “hesitant” but I’ve done this enough times that I recognize the process. I flipped it upside down & here I feel more “magic” is happening for me but some parts still look awkward to me. But that is part of the bargain. That just means forging new territory & again, trusting in ones instincts, practicing and preparing so that the 11th one down the line just “comes out!” - like an athlete “in the zone!”
I tried to post both images but of course Instagram forced both images to be square so it cut off edges of both pieces which is not worth it to me.
How do you all deal with more awkward results? Forge ahead yes?
As I’m typing this I’m realizing perhaps that’s why I’m into this “circle” motif lately! There’s a lot going on in life, it seems like in all of our modern lives, I feel that when I follow someone on Instagram, read their posts or watch a youtube, most people refer to their lives being so fast in motion, it’s such a challenge to “find time.” That seems to be my mantra. And to make choices at this time in my life that I have to say “no” to all the time because it’s just too much.
I was explaining the other day to my sister (who is 6.5 yrs older then me so she gives me a lot of perspective which so helpful), that during this time in our lives when we are going through our 30’s, we are in the career/job mode, and we have little kids most often during this time now. And it seems like every single thing I do is 1) something I do not want to do 2) something I HAVE to do 3) if it’s something I have to do it’s never at the TIME I would prefer to do it and 4) rarely is it for myself.
Day 9 - 100 Day Project 2019 © Kathryn Neale Studio. All Rights Reserved.
No wonder many people hit 40 and seem to go through a “mid-life crisis!” And I absolutely love and adore my children so that’s not the issue, it’s just a lot of things, like normal generation of moms now who have to work plus be primary caretaker without additional family/community support etc.
This project is a beautiful reminder of choosing something I love to do - even if it’s just 10-15 min a day. And to see the results as a physical painting is rewarding at this time.
So thank you for following me & supporting me with my artwork through past several years. It’s a privilege at this point to sit down to do anything with my artwork. Someday, it will be the primary focus and I will set boundaries like it’s my work.
But for now, I’m very grateful.
Day 1 - 100 Day Project 2019 © Kathryn Neale Studio. All Rights Reserved.